Friday, October 25, 2013

25th October 2013


What a successful half term it has been in nursery.  The new children have settled so well and it has been lovely hearing from grownups all the news that their children are really enjoying nursery.  A particular favourite has been the Katy Perry song ‘Roar’ which all the children liked being roaring tigers to.   For those of you that have come along to our Stay and Play sessions we hope that you have valued sharing your child’s learning journal.  Please remember to keep coming with those WOW moments.  Our topic next term will be ‘TOYS’ and this should give you lots of Christmas ideas!


Over the last two weeks in Reception, we have been learning all about Autumn and the changes that take place in the environment during this season. Each Reception class has been on an Autumn walk around the school grounds to identify any signs of Autumn and this has encouraged the children to build up a list of descriptive words. We have been doing lots of creative activities, including, leaf printing, making a split pin squirrel, handprint hedgehogs and paper plate toadstools. The children also enjoyed making blackberry and apple crumbles!

In maths, we have been working with numbers up to 5, i.e. counting, recognising, writing and finding one more or one less.  To help us with this, we having been learning two great songs, 'Four Little Ducks' and 'Five Little Speckled Frogs'.

Thank you so much for all the lovely Autumn homework we received.

We hope you all have a great half term holiday.

The Reception Team.