We are on our third traditional
story this week, The Gingerbread Man we have decorated and painted
our own Gingerbread Men using ginger spice. The traditional stories are
proving very popular with the children and they love joining in with the
repeating phrases. In PE we are getting really brave and have been jumping
from high and low level apparatus. Looking forward to seeing all
the crazy hair for red nose day on Fri. Please remember the WOW! moments
and to regularly check the notice board.
This week the children in the four Reception classes have had great
fun thinking and writing about the many different creatures that hatch
out of eggs. We have been enthralled looking at our whiteboards watching many
creatures hatch out of their eggs. We have looked at duck, chicken and quail
eggs in the classroom and imagined what it must be like to be inside them and
we have used a balance to find out which eggs were the heaviest and the
lightest. We have also been palaeontologists looking at dinosaur skeletons.
Hi everybody,
1B are continuing to work really
hard and have fun at the same time. This week they have been investigating 2D
and 3D shape; identifying them and thinking about their properties. They have
been continuing to find out about owls and the structure of non-chronological
reports. They are found out so much they are looking forward to writing them
next week.
Here are some of the activities
that some children have enjoyed in particular:
Ailbhe- I have enjoyed the Red
Nose Game because it is fun.
Camren- Writing about Owls is
good because I like finding out about new stuff.
Leo- I like the Red Nose Game
because I like playing with my red nose.
Jake- I liked making cubes using
nets because it was fun.
Milly- making up our owl dances
was fun because I enjoy dancing.
Amantha- I like my spellings
because I get to practice writing them correctly.
Joseph- I am enjoying the Red
Nose word search because you get to learn lots of red nose words.
Macy- I like my 3D shapes
because I never knew them before.
Zoe – I enjoyed my reading test
because I almost did them all right.
Thanks for your contributions
Have a great week
Miss Bernard
This week 4CA has been very
busy. In maths we have been working on perimeter. Our English has all been
based on Chapter 7 of ‘The Demon Headmaster’ we have written the chapter in our
own words and have planned a storyboard changing parts of chapter 7 to make our
own story for next week. In Science we have looked at how muscles work in our
bodies with Mr Bird leading the lesson. For ICT we have continued data
branching. In RE we have been looking at The Easter story.
4E have been enjoying their work
in their class book, ‘The Demon Headmaster’. They have written their own
versions of one of their favourite chapters. This writing has been fantastic so
far with the children using a range of tricky language features such as simile
and personification. In Maths the children have been learning about perimeter
and area. They have completed a range of investigations and are now feeling
In Science the children have
been learning about the bones and muscles. Did you know that it takes more
muscles to frown than it does to smile?
Due to the forthcoming
Activities Week (either at the Isle of Wight or at Darlinghurst), Year 5 have
been completing their end of term assessments early. They have
particularly shown off their increased maths and writing skills. They
have enjoyed learning about sound, especially investigating pitch using a
straw. Why not ask your child to show you what happens? You will need
drinking straw and scissors. (Putting your fingers in your ears to
drown out the sound is optional!)
During the last week of term we
will be making musical instruments out of recycled materials, so please save
your cardboard boxes, plastic containers e.g. bottles, margarine tubs and bring
them into school on Monday 25th March.
Have a good weekend and keep
your fingers crossed for sun and warm weather next week!
Mrs Johnston
Year 6
Well, Year Six are still recovering from their Anderson Shelter
building day last Friday. Despite the rain and freezing temperatures, we all
had a fantastic day and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
We have also been visited by the local NHS Dental Health team and
every year six child received a free toothbrush and toothpaste today! The talk
given to the children was educational and informative and Mrs Sykes told us
that Darlinghurst children are a credit to us.
Well done Year Six…SATs are approaching and they are all
working really hard. Keep it up!