Friday, November 23, 2012

23 Novemeber


It’s all been about ‘Celebrations’ this week in nursery.  The children have been talking about birthdays and birthday parties.  We watched a BBC Learning Zone clip about a little girl celebrating her 6th birthday.  This has given us lots of opportunities to use new language in our play as the children have loved acting out birthday parties through role play.  Our Show and Tell this week was ‘Hats’ and lots of the children came to nursery wearing a variety of hats.  Andi had her mummy’s sombrero’s hat and Thomas wore his policeman’s helmet with pride.
I have to say rice pudding was not a hit with the children this week with only a few children actually liking it.  So that will be off the menu, but at least most of them had a try.


This week we have been learning about the story of Cinderella.  Here are some examples of things we have enjoyed this week :-

Martha (RN) "I liked painting Cinderella's castle."
Joss (RB) "Ordering the Cinderella story."
Hayden (RB) "I liked watching Cinderella on the whiteboard."
Eden (RF) "I loved doing Cinderella dancing."
Amy (RW) "We made a Cinderella story map and I drew the ugly stepsisters."
Logan (RW) "I drew the prince" (referring to the story map)
We have also been very busy writing letters to Santa, letting him know what we would like for Christmas.  Next week we will be starting our new topic on winter.

Year 4

4E have been busy planning and writing their play scripts this week. They have planned their own character for the story. They have enjoyed doing lots of drama and role play to explore the characters of the story.
4E have been making their own switches for an electrical circuit and have used a variety of materials to test what materials are conductors or insulators. Miss Ellis was very impressed with the switches made and how well everyone worked as a team.
In topic this week the children have been learning all about Cleopatra. They used the IPADs to access the information and we had a great time discussing Cleopatra’s life and why she is so famous.

Year 5

Year 5 have had a good week. We have been thinking about our characters and settings for a short story we are going to write next week. Ask us about our fabulous ideas to see how hard we’ve been working.
In science we are looking at reversible and irreversible, ask is what we made and if you like try it at home!
We are still researching Victorian inventors and their inventions. We will look into how much we still use today, hopefully not the torture instruments!

Year 6

Well year 6 have been busy practising for their SATs with an excellent performance this week of the skills they have learnt so far.The children have shown what a true team they are and are an absolute pleasure to teach. The  year 6 play leaders  have had  positive impact on the school and the younger children love them. Well done Year 6 . Mrs B and Miss Niemann