Friday, October 26, 2012

26th October


In the nursery this week we have been very excited by the arrival of our interactive whiteboard.  This means we can now watch our number time DVD which has lots of fun counting songs for us to sing along with, our favourite song at the moment is ‘Five Little Monkeys’.  We  have also just finished making our paper plate faces which have our names on.  When we have a birthday we can move our plate over from number three to the number four.  Most of the children enjoyed trying the apple juice and wholemeal bread and jam.  Our Show and Tell sessions were really interesting and Brody even showed us a piece of coral which comes all the way from Tobago.  Have a fun half term.

Year 3:

This has been another busy week in 3S! We have been finishing off our stories that are based on the Three Billy Goats Gruff. We have changed the characters and setting and produced some excellent imaginative stories. This week we have been undertaking some assessments in maths which has helped us to see what we have learnt so far this year, and where there are gaps in our learning. Continuing on with our topic work has been fun as we have been learning about Roman gladiators and we are going to be looking at how the Roman army fought against the Celts and the tactics they used including the most famous formation;  the Tortoise (testudo).

Have a happy and safe half term break,

From Mr Sykes & all of 3S

Year 4:

Yet again, a very busy week in 4CA. We have been concentrating on time is week and some of the children have been asked to do some time homework. Ask them and they will know. In English we have been writing diaries being a character from Stig of the Dump. This week the children have found out about Tutankhamun’s tomb, what treasures were in it and a little about his life. This is our last week working on our science topic of Habitats, so the children will have a test before moving to the next topic.

The Open evening is about to happen and we have some fantastic activities lined up.

Have a super half term.

Year 5:

Year 5 visited Leigh library this week.   On the way we looked for examples of Victorian buildings.  We spotted The Grand Hotel built in 1899, terraced houses and the library itself.  We looked for signs of sash windows, patterns in windows in both glass and woodwork as well as patterns in the brickwork and chimneys.

At the library we learned how the books are arranged in different subjects.  Some of the class used their library cards to borrow books – we brought back plenty of membership forms for those without a card.  We were very impressed by the high tech system that allows books to be scanned in and out.

Ry said, “I enjoyed looking for Victorian houses and taking photos to send to our French partner school.  I took out quite a few books and I think I am going to enjoy reading them.”

Lewis said, “I definitely want a library card so I can borrow books for myself.”

Year 6:

What a week Year 6 have had. The most amazing visit to see Mirror Mirror at The Odeon on Monday which included bucketfuls of popcorn and a drink followed by Bikeability and preparations for Open Evening. Well done year 6 for your fantastic behaviour.

Year 6 Team