Friday, September 28, 2012

28th September


This week in Reception we have been learning about ‘The Enormous Crocodile.’ We have had lots of fun making a class crocodile and thinking about all the different characters he meets along his journey to  the village to catch his dinner. We thought about our own secret plans and clever tricks to catch our children to gobble up for our dinner. Thank you to all the homework returned this week, we look forward to  discussing all the different people who help us over the next couple of weeks.

Amy RW- ‘ I enjoyed being the crocodile and answering questions about the story.’

Hayden RF- ‘ I’ve enjoyed friendship Friday.’

The Reception team

Year 1

We have had such a busy week in 1B and it has absolutely whizzed by. We have been really enjoying listening to and learning about The Elves and The Shoemaker. We have created our own story map which has helped us to learn how to tell the story to each other. We also had lots of fun elfing ourselves; which involved cutting our faces out, sticking them onto a piece of paper and drawing an elf’s body. In maths we have tried really hard to learn our doubles up to 10; it was difficult, but we tried our best. It has been great fun dressing up for Roald Dahl Day. We have learned much more about him and we are looking forward to finding out more.


Miss Bernard and 1B

Year 4

We have had a very busy week again. In maths we have been looking at 2d shapes both regular and irregular. The children should also know the different types of triangles. We have continued reading ‘ Stig of the dump’ and have been looking at the friendship between the characters and picking out descriptive language. The children absolutely loved looking at woodlice and testing what habitat they preferred. We had an assortment of Egyptian artefacts in class and the children researched information on them.


4E have had a great start to the new school year. This week they have been very busy exploring their favourite new book, “This book is great” Ellie Morrisson. They have made a real dump in the classroom and have enjoyed creating inventions for it just like Stig.

The children have planned and carried out a Woodlice experiment to see which habitat they prefer. Thank you for all the woodlice we received! Next week we will return them outside to their natural habitat.

We have also been interested in drawing and researching some Egyptian artefacts. All of the children were very careful with them and took great care completing their pictures. Here is Sare’s favourite fact, “Did you know a lot of the Egyptians used to sit on the roof because it was cooler than being inside. People liked to sit and play with board games and talk.”


Year 5

5W have had another busy week. We have looked at Roald Dahl books and characters and discussed our favourites. Friday we had lots of interesting characters turn up to school, it was like being on the film set of Shrek, we all made a big effort.

The Victorians have appeared in more of our work, we have looked at the difference in Victorian schools and houses, we decided we prefer how we live today.


Year 6

Year 6 have been busy reading The Indian In The Cupboard  this term and have started to show some fantastic writing skills!

In maths we have been looking at doubling, halving area and perimeter and of course, we are getting busy for the Harvest Festival  next week. !

6B - Mrs Blatcher