Friday, May 16, 2014

16th May 2014


Our topic for the next 2 weeks is animals from the zoo and we have been exploring in the jungle, our home corner which has been decorated to look like a jungle.  We have been finding the animals in the coloured rice, sand and play dough, and creating a zoo with lolly pop sticks!  Today we will be visiting the zoo in P.E to see how zoo animals move, and we are also making monkey faces with paper plates, boy, I said we weren’t busy but I guess I lied! Tee he he!


This week we have been learning all about pirates. We have had great fun pretending to be pirates on a treasure island, as well as exploring treasure maps, and having the opportunity to design our own maps. The class treasure hunt was very exciting, and we enjoyed decoding clues to find the treasure! We are looking forward to writing our own directions to find the treasure next week, and dressing up as pirates to end the week!

Year 4

Year 4 have continued to develop their knowledge of fractions this week by converting mixed numbers to improper fractions and then adding them. We are all enjoying learning about fractions and we find it really rewarding we learn a new skill!

In English we are still really enjoying Danny the Champion of the world. We have been introduced to new characters and have discussed how they might affect the story. We have also been writing alternative endings to chapter 8 ‘The Pit’ and it is interesting to hear other people’s ideas.

Year 4 have also been lucky enough to have taster cricket sessions. This week we have been learning skills in bowling and catching a ball.

We are loving the sunshine, even if the classrooms are a little hot! Please can we make sure all children are provided with a bottle of water and they are wearing sun cream and a hat on warmer days. Thank you

Year 6

We’ve done it! SATs week is over! All our hard work and efforts have paid off and we are looking forward to all the fun that the rest of the Summer term holds for us! Mrs Blatcher and Miss Niemann and all the school staff are incredibly proud of how well we all approached the tests and showed off all our knowledge! On Thursday, the sun was shining and we all went outside for our ‘Big Scream’, to mark the end of a hard-working week.
We can’t wait to tell you all about our upcoming events, including Business Enterprise Day, Adventure Island, Disco and the all important Year 6 Leavers show! We will also keep you posted on our Twitter feed @darlinghursty6. Please follow us!