Friday, March 28, 2014

28th March 2014


This week has been all things mother’s day.  Nursery children all made a mother’s day card and planted some bulbs in a pot that they had decorated.  They also made a puffy paint flower, a cake that was expertly decorated and took part in filling in a sheet all about mum!!!  Wow we have been a busy lot!!!  We hope that everyone has a fantastic mother’s day, and that you all 
enjoy your gifts.


1K have been busy doing assessments. Now they are all completed we are concentrating on our Mother’s Day cards and presents. We have had fun in PE [outside] and have learned about the Sikh faith in RE. In maths we have been solving word problems and in English we finished our owl work. The highlight of the week was the visit from the owls. There was a lot of swooping and squawking! We even got to stroke Tito the Barn Owl who was lovely.  Our favourite though was Zeus the Eagle Owl. He was enormous and was big enough to carry off a fox in his talons!

Year 4

Year 4 have had a very hard working week, demonstrating their learning through assessments. The year 4 teachers are very impressed with the effort all of the children have put in! In PE we enjoyed developing football skills and we are now confident at dribbling and stilling the ball. After lots of research, designing and presenting  we have been very creative this week at making our ideal classroom. We used shoeboxes and a variety of other materials and we are very proud of them.
Keep up the reading and please ensure all homework is in on time to an appropriate standard. My maths is set on a weekly basis to check to see if your teacher has set it.

Finally to those who celebrate it Happy Mother’s Day from year 4!


5CW have been busy as always. We have been looking more at our class book 101 Dalmations.  We have been working on role play from when Pongo and Missus are reunited with their pups and thinking how they felt and how what sort of characters the Badduns are.
In maths we have looked more at percentages, fractions and decimal numbers and their links, why not test us and see what we've learnt.
In science we predicted which material was the best for insulating sound, if you want to know which material would be the best sound proofer for our bedrooms, just ask!
Next week we have a class quiz and are allowed to bring in a snack and drink, there will be prizes for the winning teams!

Year 6

Well, after  a week of extensive testing and assessment, year 6 have shown they are on track to achieve some great results this year! It has been a welcome  and relaxing morning today as we make surprises ready for the best day of the year on Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!
The weather has again, enabled us to carry out some of our science and English outside….that meant we got very messy, which always pleases the children!
The Easter Holidays will be a  well – deserved break  but –don’t worry…..lots of homework is on its way !
Year 6 team

Monday, March 24, 2014

21st March 2014


This week we have been learning about the fire brigade so it’s been all things fire in nursery.  We have had fire foam, a mixture of red and yellow paint, and shaving foam, our role play area has been transformed into a fire engine, with lots of fire fighter dressing up clothes available.  We have decorated some cups that will be knocked down by our water hoses, empty shampoo bottles filled with water, and P.E is drop and roll to avoid the smoke!! On Friday we will also be having a small fire drill (a ringing bell) just to finish off the week, and help our new children to see what happens when we hear an alarm.


We have continued work on our playscripts as well as our learning about fractions.  We are quite good at this now and even know some equivalent fractions.

I have been very impressed with the standard of the talks to the class.  Well done to everyone who has presented their talk so far – everyone has managed without notes as well as speaking clearly so everyone could hear.

Mrs Johnston

Year 4
Year 4 have been very pleased to see the first day of Spring this week. To celebrate, they enjoyed a long walk to Leigh Library on Wednesday . They had a great time hearing a talk from the librarian and exploring all of the lovely books at the library.

Year 4 have been finishing their final week on ‘Explanation Texts’ this week. Ask your child to explain to you all the different ones they have made. They range from ‘Teacher Pleasers’ to ‘Hypnotising machines’ all very exciting!
We have introduced ‘Pen Licences’ into year 4. If the children have neat, joined handwriting they can now use a pen for written work instead of a pencil. Let’s see how many we can get before the end of the year!


5CW have had a busy week. We have been learning about fractions and decimal numbers in maths. We designed our own gardens and worked out what fraction, decimal number and percentage we would need for each feature. There were some very interesting designs. 
In English we joined with 5C and had a tag debate on the use of animals for fur just for fashion. The children came up with really strong arguments for both sides. 
5CW have had great fun with outside learning, learning orienteering skills and in science we have been testing sound with tin and string phones. We joined 16 together to test the strength of sound.  A few children made a rhythm by tapping, pinging the string and rubbing the cans. It was really effective. So all in all just another busy week in 5CW. 
Year 6

Another busy week in Year Six!. Revision, science outside, For Sports, Music and Sport Relief Day. Wow! With two weeks until the Easter holidays and only three weeks after that until SATs, we are very , very busy revising and organising assessmentsme of the Year Six children wish to start a newspaper for the school which is a lovely idea…they would like some parent input…………………….? Anyway, we are going to enjoy the lovely weather today at break and lunch and continue with our hard work. Well done gang!

Friday, March 14, 2014

14th March 2014


We have been looking at the police and ambulance services this week. Our home corner became a police station our outside area a road with a zebra crossing and some police cars made out of junk. We done some finger printing and looked at the results through a magnifying glass and in P.E we made up a road and looked at different road signs to see their meaning.


Hi there everybody,
1B have been learning lots of new facts about owls and have been developing their addition and subtraction skills using numbers up to 40. They had to think of ways to make their writing about owls more interesting and learned about using generalisers like all, a few, most and openers like interestingly, amazingly and surprisingly. They have chosen to write their owl reports to the Reception children. They hope that the children will enjoy listening them.
Here are some of the activities that children have particularly enjoyed this 

I liked playing live on Education City because I had 117 points - Rosie

I have fun learning about money on Pi Day- Charlotte

I liked working with the class and telling them different facts about owls- Nathan

I enjoyed making shadow pictures because I liked using charcoal - Marcus

I liked doing the art with pastel crayons yesterday- Stanley

I have enjoyed learning about owls because I like learning new facts -James

I have enjoyed when Miss Hamilton did a French song with us and we danced 
to it- Sharna

Doing numbers to 40 is fun because you can count back with your fingers - Laura

I liked doing money and learning all the things about money on Pi Day- Letitia

I enjoyed learning new facts about owls, I really enjoyed learning about the pellets that they spit out - Grace

Thanks for all of your contributions children.

Have a great weekend,

Miss Bernard

In 1K we have been learning about addition and subtraction using numbers up to 40.  We have used lots of resources to help us including dienes rods, multilink, number lines and bead strings. We have been working very hard and some of our work is quite challenging!

In English we continue to learn about owls. We have been sharing facts and writing factual statements using interesting sentence openers and connectives to make our writing more interesting.

In PE we have been practising our throwing and catching skills. We are very good! To make it more difficult for ourselves we moved further away from one another and used benches to make us taller so we had to throw higher.

In RE we have learned all about Sikhism and Guru Nanak. We watched a short story about his life and then retold it in our own words.


Hello everyone!
I cannot believe it’s that time of the week again!  It is funny how time flies when you are having fun. A busy week again had by all with lots of learning all about money and finding the total value of both pounds and pence.  Perhaps if you are out shopping at the weekend you could help your grownups with the total amount of money they will need.  English has been very informative as we have been learning how to scan a text using key words to find new information about Florence Nightingale.  I wonder if you could tell your grown up how to box up?
Here is what the children have said they enjoyed learning this week
Macy said ‘ I loved making my Florence Nightingale game.  She was travelling from London to Scutari in Turkey ‘’
Camren said ‘My game was really good fun.  I played it with Toby and Toby lost because he ended up in Russia which is not where he was meant to be!  He was meant to be in Scutari but the game was very close!’
Have a happy and safe weekend  x


We have started looking at playscripts this week.  We are now familiar with how plays are set out and Miss White led a drama session that showed us  the importance of stage directions.  We are now starting to write our own plays.
In science we have been looking at different food groups and what makes a healthy diet.  Why not challenge your child to identify the different food groups on their plate at mealtimes!
As today is Pi day, we looked at what Pi is and the first 27 digits, we tried to see how many we could remember!  We also enjoyed taking part in the number challenge at school.  We had a crash course on prime numbers, negative numbers and factors so our maths skills have really increased!

Mrs Johnston

Year Six

We have been amazing this week as we practise for the Spelling and Grammar Test that is now a part of their SATs.The lovely weather has meant that we have been learning outside a lot  and our science work on the properties of materials has been  wonderful. They need to ensure they are practising their times tables and spellings regularly as well as completing all of their homework.

Keep on learning Year Six

Friday, March 7, 2014

7th March 2014


Well we had an extremely good turnout for world book day. Most children dressed up, and those who didn’t were able to borrow one of nursery’s outfits.  A fantastic  15 mums stayed in the morning and 17 in the afternoon and we all had lots of fun.  This week’s topic was boats and trains, and we have been spending a lot of time outside seeing if our boats sink or float.  You may also have seen us doing the Locomotion around the school, everyone hung on for dear life and we managed quite a train.


This week in Reception we have been learning about growing.  We have based our learning around the book, Jasper's beanstalk. 
The children have planted their own beans. 
In maths we have been learning to tell the time and use positional language.  
The children have enjoyed outdoor learning this week.


We have been learning all about owls this week and have found out some very interesting facts.  We shared our work with ours Mums and Nans when they came to visit us on Thursday.  It has been a fun week!
In Maths we have continued work on our numbers to 40. We have been ordering using the Abacus, carpet tiles, number cards and chalks. We have also been working on place value and working out how many tens and ones in our numbers.
In science we have learned all about `The Dark` and as we have been learning about owls we read The owl who was afraid of the dark.


We have been practising addition and subtraction in maths.
“I like using empty number lines for subtraction.  For example if you have 27 – 13 you can take away 10 and then add 3 back on” (Eva Nicholls).
“Also we learnt about rounding to the nearest 10.  If we had 19 add 13 then you could round to the nearest 10 and add on the ones” (Julia Watson).
We have been looking at information texts in English and finding the answers to questions using BBC Famous People website.
In science we looked around the school to see how electricity makes some appliances work.  We found out that electricity can make things move, light up, make sound and heat up and some can do more than one these things.
On Bring a Mum to School Day we made icing animals with Daniel’s mummy and we also made settings for an adapted Little Red Riding Hood Story. 
“It’s been an energetic week.” (Julia Watson – 2A)


Hello All,

Hope you all had a fun day with your children yesterday (if you managed to join them).  Unfortunately I missed you all as I was feeling rather poorly….all back to normal now and ready for some more super learning.
Here is what the children have said they enjoyed this week
Jack said ‘I loved PE because we were learning how to dance to 4 beats and 8 beats.  I think I am getting much better now!’
Alfie said ‘I enjoyed Bring a Mum to School Day because she helped me make a 3D model of a story character and a setting. My setting was the cave and my character was a wolf.’
Hope you all have a lovely weekend.  See you all on Monday.

Mrs C X

Year 4

Year 4 have had a very exciting week! On Wednesday we enjoyed a very interesting International event at Westcliff high School for boys. The children travelled to different countries, finding out different facts and even learning some basic phrases in the native language! 

Thursday was a lovely day with children, teacher and even some mum’s dressing up for World Book Day.  Lots of effort was put into costumes and the children enjoyed having a book themed day.  Bring a mum to school day was a huge success in year 4, so thank you to all who came, especially those who brought activities to do with the children.

Year 6

Well, what a week! Year six have been working incredibly hard in  maths and English this week. |They have been learning  about Pie Charts and how to read and record data in them. In English we have begun work on our adventure story and we hope to invite you in to hear them during an assembly.
Bring a mum to school day was incredible; we had seed planting, Italian lessons, tortoises, a veterinary nurse talk and badge making- an amazing day! Thank you mums!
We have also been involved in Outdoor Learning  as most parents will know due to the muddy children we have returned to them at the end of the day.
|Roll on next week.

Monday, March 3, 2014

28th February 2014


It’s been a very busy week in nursery, we have had 9 new children start this week, 4 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon and we hope that they enjoy being a part of our nursery.
This week we have been looking at rubbish and recycling like the rest of the school, we have looked at a story of a teddy who got put in the bin, and for PE we done an assault course to get the recycling in the bin.
We also visited Hagrid’s hut and had story’s and show and tell in there, wow what a week!!!


This week in school, there has been lots of activity and learning taking place around the topic of ‘Rubbish’ and this has continued through Reception. In Reception we have been learning about ‘The Little Green Monster’ who started off as a naughty little monster who didn’t look after the planet but soon learnt that Earth was beautiful and to keep it beautiful he had to make sure he reduced, reused and recycled everyday objects. So Reception we have been green monsters and have been very busy recycling lots of different objects around school. We have had lots of fun with some very big boxes, cardboards tubes and bottle caps! An exciting week was had by all and it has been lovely to see the children take an independent approach to their learning. Well done everybody.

The Reception Team


We have had a 'Rubbish' week! We have learned how to make paper, learned about reduce, reuse, recycle and we have sorted rubbish depending on the materials they are made from.
We have enjoyed work in Hagrid's Hut and have had a class competition to make robots out of our Rubbish. We have had a fantastic week!


Hello everyone!
Well we are all rubbished out!! We have found out so much information about how we can help save our plant by reducing, reusing and recycling.  We have been thinking about making adverts for street cleaners as Polly was very poorly.  We have also been designing our own uniform for street cleaners using rubbish or recycling old clothes.
Here is what the children have said they enjoyed this week.
Matthew said ‘I have enjoyed designing my outfit.  I was totally embarrassed walking down the catwalk but I was chosen by the other children as the best outfit in 2C’
Joseph said ‘I thought maths was exciting but a bit challenging because I had to round up or down when taking away 19 and 11.’
Have a safe and fun weekend
Mrs C


We have had an exciting time during Rubbish Week in 3AJ.  We have learned about Reducing, Reusing, Recycling and Up-cycling where we make something new out of an existing item.  Jam jars will be returning home looking completely different after the class learned decoupage and colour skills.  We used our creative skills to  turn our rubbish into bubble blowers with some spectacular bubbles!  In maths, we have learned how to draw circles using a compass in order to make trees out of recycling. We now know how plastic is turned into pencils and fleece material – a long process!  We have learned a lot about the importance of recycling and how it is everyone’s responsibility to care for our planet.

Year 4

Year 4 Blog

Rubbish Week!

This week has been Rubbish Theme week. We have had a great time learning all about how to REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE. In Year 4 we have been up cycling jam jars. Up cycling is when you take an unwanted item and make it into to something attractive or useful to use. We have made our jam jars into candle holders and pencil pots using the art technique of Decoupage.

We have also been designing and making our own ‘Teacher Pleaser’ machines as part of our Explanation Text work in English. They were fantastic, ask your child to tell you about their own idea!


We have had a ‘rubbish’ week. In maths we analysed data for all the recycling and rubbish that was bought in. We compiled bar graphs to see which rubbish we throw away the most. Ask us to see what we throw the most and least away of. We have looked at persuasive language, ready to save the world and get everyone onto recycling. We took your trash and made treasure, musical treasure. As a class we did our version of Stomp and played our instruments to a rhythm in assembly. Mrs Weddell was extremely proud of our performance and made us play it again! What a great ‘Rubbish’ week it has been, who knew you could have so much fun with rubbish?