Friday, February 7, 2014

7th February 2014


This week in Reception we have started our learning on Jack and the Beanstalk. We have been getting creative with fairytale walks, making bean stalks and making our own story maps of the story. The children have really thrown their selves into their learning this week and with an unexpected visit from the giant to our classrooms, it prompted lots of questions and investigations around how big the giant was by the giant footprint he left behind. we have been measuring his footprint against different objects and finding which is the biggest and which is the smallest. We will continue this topic next week with the children eager to find out more about the giant and his golden castle in the clouds.

Please don't forget Tuesday's open classroom event where you can come and have a look at the children's work so far!! Please remember you need to inform your child's teacher if you would like to visit as they need time to prepare and get the children's work ready for your visit after school. If you do not inform your child's teacher their work may not be available to view so please get in touch with them and if you are unable to visit this time do not panic as we will be offering this opportunity over several occasions throughout the year.

Thank you for your continued support with homework.

The Reception Team :) 


Medivet visited us and showed us some rabbits called Fuzzy and Flopsy.  They came because we are learning about plants and animals.  They asked us who wanted to be a vet and what pets we had at home.  To survive, animals need food and water and a bed.  If cats purr it normally means they are happy.  The vets wear a mask so they don’t catch germs from the animals; some of us got to dress up in the masks and hats worn by vets.  Habitats are a natural place where animals live.  A frog’s habitat is a pond and a rabbit’s habitat is the countryside.  We are looking forwarding to going to the beach on Monday to look for invertebrates.  I think we will find crabs, mussels, cockles, sea snails and shrimps.  (Ash Collins and Phoebe Tomsett).


Well, well, well….what can I say!!  We were windswept, we were cold but what fun we had at the beach.  We were searching for invertebrates to find out which habitat; water, beach or mud would be a suitable home for them.  I was hoping to find my favourite invertebrate, the Hermit Crab but unfortunately we did not find one…..however, luckily,  and showing great detective eyes Ashleigh spotted a Hermit Crab shell so I was very pleased!
Here is what the children have said they have enjoyed this week
Jake said ‘I love learning about invertebrates.  I found shrimps, cockles and periwinkles.  My favourite habitat for the invertebrates was the beach’
Reanna said ‘I have enjoyed writing my adapted story.  It was all about a girl called Reanna who met a mysterious, ugly witch who gave her magic beans.  It was called Reanna and the Beanstalk’
Have a lovely, safe weekend.
Mrs C X