big welcome to all our new nursery children. Hope to see you at our
Children’s Centre this Fri 26th April at 2.30pm for a get
together. Another busy fun week in the life of Darlinghurst
nursery. The weather has been super which means we can get to go outside
and have fun in the sun. However, please remember to apply sun cream to
your child prior to nursery session start times. Our topic this term is
‘Health and Growth’ this week we looked at growing from a baby through to
being elderly. The children especially enjoyed our indoor climbing climb
and are getting very good at taking turns.
What a lovely week it has been and we
have been very fortunate to have been able to continue our bear hunting in the
sunshine! RB, RN and RF went on their bear hunts whilst RW made bear sandwiches
which they shared with their bears from home whilst discussing our topic and
what we have enjoyed this week. We learnt some information about bears, where
they live, what they like to eat and why they have furry coats! I think we Have
all become super bear hunters over the last two weeks! we used our knowledge to
write our own story maps of the story and some of us even tried to create their
own story maps by changing the main scenes to their own ideas. well done
reception you have all worked so hard!!
Just a quick reminder please remember
to bring into school sun hats, water bottles and sun cream all with your
child's name.
Have a lovely weekend
The Reception Team
have had a very busy week, as usual, in 1B. In Maths we have been exploring
Subtraction by counting back using numberlines and bead strings. We have also
looked at “finding the difference” and taken part in problem solving
investigations. In English we have been examining rhyming words, alliteration
and rhythm to help us to have a go at writing our own vegetable poems. In
Science we have planted beetroot, cabbage, peas, carrot and leek seeds. We have
to keep an eye on them and think of the best ways to help them grow. We have
also labelled the main parts of a plant and thought about what their jobs are
in helping the plant to stay healthy.
are some of the activities that some of the children have particularly enjoyed
this week:
I liked PE because I enjoyed passing the ball to my partner, it was fun.
I liked Maths because I like doing taking away.
I enjoyed PE because when we were passing the ball to three people we had to
move around a lot and I like moving around.
The owls were naughty, because of this I enjoyed seeing them.
When we did difference between, I liked it because It challenged my brain.
Learning how to catch a big ball in PE was good because I like learning new
I liked the big, scary, Eagle owl.
for all your contributions children.
a lovely weekend,
week the class have been learning how to do ‘chunking’ to solve division
calculations and have done really well. In English we have continued to look at
persuasive writing but this time in the form of a letter written by ‘The Demon
Headmaster’. In ICT we are writing back to the pupils in year 4 at Eastbury
Primary. We have been enjoying working with the PE coaches in the hall. For
Science we have been looking at liquids and how the volume in a container does
not change when it is transferred to another container. In History we have
started to look at the 6 wives of Henry V111 in detail. On Monday we used
ordinance survey maps and discovered what many of the symbols are for.